Thursday, November 12, 2009


Today, I had an epiphany. I love Canon stories like most of you. It's what brought me to Fanfiction in the first place. And what the hell does non-canon mean? That means anything not in line with the original saga. So, the couples are not with their normal partner.
Bella and Edward have always been the foundation for this fandom. Alice and Jasper is one of my favorite couples simply because they have always just been right for each other. Emmett and Rosalie are the epitome of opposites attract. Then, the parentals Esme and Carlisle, perfect mother and father team. Their love is discreet, but always there.
Saying this, who doesn't love when you mix things up a bit? I love to read Bella with Emmett. If you know me I love to write it too. I know plenty of you love to see Rosalie with Jake on occasion. And please for the love of all that is holy, DO NOT SAY EW! I hate that shit. Give it a fucking try before you make assumptions. You know what happens when you assume? You make an ass out of you and me. So please, give it a shot. These love stories have just as much in them as canon pairings.
Every week I will try to get on here and post recommendations in 5 categories.
First is Wolves. This means any of the wolves. Sam, Embry, Quil, and yes to you Jake haters him too. They will be with anyone other than who they were in the book.
Next, Slash! Who doesn't love some good boy on boy or girl on girl love? F'reals? If you don't then give at least one a chance and see. It's not always just about the sexin. A lot of slash out there has great and in depth love stories behind them. This is pretty easy to see that it is non-canon because no one in the books was gay. And yes, that's what slash means.
Also, one shots, this is a lemon in one little package of goodness. Pretty self explanatory.
The next category is Angst fics. These are stories that have you on the edge of your seat. You want the story to have a HEA but it takes a lot to get there. Heartfail a plenty.
Fluff is the next category. This is just fun stories that have no heartfail. They are just fun and nice to read.
Again, Please go and read these sometimes under appreciated fics and review and fave or whatever else you can do. They need love too.

Special thanks to my girl Aciepey. She helps loads, especially with the name.

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